

As a ceramic artist and illustrator Samantha Jordan creates a strange world she calls Ooafmud. The lands are unusual and so are their inhabitants. She brushes scenes from this curious world onto the walls of pots using underglazes, embracing the ancient method of storytelling through pottery. She creates clay sculptures of plants and creatures, bringing them to life as though we have entered their realm.

With influences from early civilization and the animal kingdom, Samantha depicts the world of Ooafmud as if a biologist in a foreign land, illustrating daily life along the way.

Through the creation of her ceramic works she has developed the desire to write a storybook about Ed and Baboog, two unlikely friends who ride across the world in their Wagen powered by Whamedoos.

Together Ed and Baboog discover the strangeness of their planet.



Samantha received her Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts at UNC Greensboro.  Since graduating she has stuck around Greensboro working for various organizations where she has enjoyed guiding the youngsters and adults through their art journey. 

In her down time Samantha enjoys visiting natural parks with her husband and two dogs, a good bike trail, and board games with good people.  When she is home, many weekends are spent restoring her 1971 VW Van.  If you'd like to know, she can tell you how to do it in only 11 years. 

